© 2010-2025 AMS Computer Services, Inc.
About Us
Our company, our philosophy, things you should know.Founding Principles
Our founding principles are:
- • For ten bucks a month or less, at least 90% of our customers ought to be able to get what they need.
- • Solid support is a right, not a privilege.
- • Artificial limits on featureset are bad.
Solid Support
Support requests will be answered by real people with technical knowledge, in a timely fashion.
A lot of our business comes from those who are dissatisfied with their current hosting company.
- • Have you ever requested support from a hosting company and never gotten a reply?
- • If you got a reply, did it take days to arrive?
- • When you received a reply, was it an automated extract from a 'knowledgebase' that didn't answer your question?
We believe that every customer is entitled to receive a support response written by someone who knows what they're talking about, in a timely fashion.
No Support Charges
We won't charge you for carrying out any work on your account - we'll either do it for free, or not at all.
If you want a custom configuration change, we'll try our best to implement it for you. If we can't do it, we'll explain why.
Test Us Now
Submit a support request, or contact form and see what happens. Timely response guaranteed.
Unlimited Featureset
All accounts in the main product stream ('Level 1' and above) have everything in the featureset enabled by default.
We're not going to charge you extra for running out of mailboxes, subdomains, parked domains or MySQL databases.
Because you can't run out - they're all set to 'Unlimited'.
Our only pricing metrics are disk space and bandwidth.
Everything else is unlimited as standard - it costs us the same to supply 10 e-mail boxes as it does to supply 5 - i.e. nothing.
Technical Things
All our servers are located in datacentres that have redundant uplink connections. Some details typical of the datacenters used:
- • Multi-gigabit connectivity
- • Backup diesel generators
- • Redundant Hardware
- • Secure datacentre, staffed 24/7
If you'd like more details, feel free to contact us.
Our hosting is LAMP-based (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl). We specialise in hosting for Joomla-based sites, but you don't have to use Joomla to use our service - it's a robust hosting platform for almost anything you'd like to host, from e-commerce sites and forums to a simple homepage.
If you need something special, or a custom config, ask us - we're happy to try and accommodate you.
Things You Should Know - our 'Honesty Declaration'
We're a budget hosting company. As a result, we operate in a fashion that might not suit the most pointy-haired of customers.
Our primary means of communication is by e-mail. While this keeps costs down, we feel it also has its advantages in terms of clearly setting out the solutions to problems and queries from customers.
Only when this method of communication breaks down, or in emergency situations, will we resort to telephoning you. If you're not comfortable using e-mail, we're probably not the hosting company for you.
Although servers are monitored 24/7 to ensure optimal uptime, customer-facing support is not 24/7 (although it does operate 7 days a week, 365 days a year).
You may submit a support request at any time of day, but you're unlikely to receive a response in less than an hour if you do so at 2am (although it's not impossible that you will).
Our FAQ is here.
Our Terms and Conditions are located here.
If there's anything you want to ask us, feel free - you'll get an answer, in a timely fashion.
Techie Support Guaranteed
We know how important your website is, and we know how frustrating it is to deal with clueless staff.
So we don't have any - just dedicated techies ready to do
your bidding.
No dithering, no
nonsense, just first class
support and hosting.
Reseller Hosting
- $6
- (CAD) per month starting price
- • Host Multiple Websites
- • Separate Logins
- • Customise Disk Space
- • Set Bandwidth Limits
- • Priority Support
- • Ideal for web designers